Mushroom Chicken Noodle Recipe The Family's Favorite Menu 2minutes

Mushroom Chicken Noodle Recipe The Family's Favorite Menu 2minutes

One of the most loved chicken noodle looks for metropolitan occupants is Bakmi GM. Its lead menu, mushroom chicken noodles, consistently looks tempting. All things considered, this chicken noodle looks straightforward, yet the taste never makes you exhausted.


On the off chance that you can't discover a shop close to where you reside, don't be tragic! Take a stab at making your own mushroom chicken noodles at home. Coming up next is a formula for mushroom chicken noodles a la Bakmi GM that can be your guide


1. The fixings required


Elements for stock:


1.5 liters of water


250 grams of chicken bones


2 cloves of garlic


2 spring onions, hacked


1 tablespoon salt


1 tablespoon mushroom stock


Elements for onion chicken oil:


2 tbsp oil


100 grams of chicken skin


1 spring onion, cut


3 cooked slashed garlic cloves


Elements for preparing soy sauce:


1 little jug of soy sauce


1 tablespoon granulated sugar


2 cloves of garlic, squashed


1 spring onion


50 ml of water


the remainder of the chicken skin that has been handled into onion chicken oil


Sweet mushroom chicken fixings:


1 tbsp oil


2 tsp garlic finely


1 slashed onion


250 grams of minced chicken


1 can fasten mushrooms, cut into pieces


1 tablespoon mushroom stock


1/2 teaspoon ground pepper


1 teaspoon salt


1 tsp sugar


1 tbsp sesame oil


1 tablespoon shellfish sauce


1 tablespoon soy sauce


1 teaspoon cornstarch, break down


Valuable material:


seared or bubbled dumplings to taste


1 pack of bubbled egg noodles


1 pack of green mustard that has been bubbled


leeks to taste


stew sauce to taste


pureed tomatoes to taste


2. Make the stock


Warmth water in a pot, at that point add the garlic, spring onions and chicken bones. Cover the pot, heat it to the point of boiling.


In the wake of bubbling, add salt and mushroom stock, mix until very much mixed. Cover the pot once more, stew for 30 minutes over low warmth.


3. Make chicken onion oil


Warmth the oil in the Teflon, at that point add the chicken skin. Cook until cooked and dry. Add chives, cook until shriveled. When cooked, eliminate and channel.


Add the garlic to the previous oil, cook until dry. From that point onward, move it to a holder with the oil, put in a safe spot.

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