Green Chili Egg Recipe, Very Hot and Spicy Makes You Can't Stop


Green Chili Egg Recipe, Very Hot and Spicy Makes You Can't Stop

Eggs are a modest and nutritious food that is not difficult to get. Eggs are additionally simple to consolidate with different fixings so they become a tasty and appealing dish.


Not just seared or bubbled, you can attempt this straightforward formula. The mix of coconut milk and green chilies can make egg dishes considerably more extraordinary. It's so appetizing and fiery that we can't quit eating. Here are the fixings and how to make green bean stew egg


Set up the essential materials


7 eggs


2 inlet leaves


1 clove squashed galangal


6 spring onions


4 cloves garlic


10 green chilies


400-500ml coconut milk


1/2 teaspoon salt


3 tbsp cooking oil


Heat up the eggs and set up the flavors


Bubble eggs until cooked at that point stripped. For the marinade, cut 5 bits of green chilies diagonal, the measure of chilies can be diminished or added by taste. Crush staying green chilies, shallots and garlic. Remember, before you cut and pound it, wash it first.


Saute all fixings until cooked


Saute the ground flavors that have been made before in hot oil. At that point add the cleaved green chilies, cove leaves and galangal. After it is somewhat cooked, add the stripped egg, fry it for some time, add the coconut milk, at that point mix until it's cooked.


Add a few fixings


Add salt, flavor, you can likewise add sugar for sweet sweethearts. Trial. At the point when the stock has begun to psychologist and splash into the eggs, eliminate and present with affection for the family. It's truly simple, right mother?


That is a green stew egg formula that is sufficiently basic to fill in as a family dish. It very well may be a reference for the new menu so you don't get exhausted with similar prepared eggs. How, keen on attempting?

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