Beef Mushroom Meatballs Recipe, Delicious Serving During the Rainy Season

Beef Mushroom Meatballs Recipe, Delicious Serving During the Rainy Season

Nearly everybody likes to eat meatballs. This warm soup dish is amazing to appreciate whenever, particularly when the climate is cold.


The sauce and meat balls can make joy in the mouth. The cost is modest.


Not just produced using hamburger, there are likewise meatballs that utilization mushrooms. The meatballs are more finished and delicate. Here's the means by which to make delightful hamburger mushroom meatballs.


1. The fixings required


The primary fixing:


100 grams of meat


2 bits of ear mushrooms


50 grams of custard flour


10 grams of carrots, shaved


8 garlic cloves, fry and puree


2 egg whites


3 ice shapes


Salt to taste


Sugar to taste


Ground pepper to taste


Enough water


Sauce fixings:


1 kg of hamburger bone


5 cloves of garlic


1 onion


3 tablespoons of salt


Pepper to taste


Enough water


Beneficial material:


Suun noodles to taste


Singed onions to taste


Cuts of onion to taste


2. Make mushroom meat balls first


Set up a compartment, at that point put the mushroom pieces and minced meat in it. Likewise add custard flour, seared garlic, and egg white. Mix everything until all around mixed.


At the point when it is blended, set a pot on the oven. Empty sufficient water into the dish, at that point heat it until it bubbles. Take a modest bunch of meatball batter and shape it into balls.


From that point forward, put the mushroom meatball balls into the bubbling water. Sit tight for it to cook and buoy. Assuming this is the case, eliminate and channel completely.


3. Heat up the meat bones until the stock comes out


While sitting tight for the mushroom balls to chill off, make the meatball soup first. Set up a pot, at that point heat up the water in it with the meat bones. Leave it for some time, at that point take out every one of the soil that looks gliding. Do this until the sauce turns clear.


Add the hacked onion, garlic, salt, and pepper deep down stew. Mix infrequently every one of the flavors until all around mixed. Bubble for around two hours over low warmth. At the point when the stock has come out, turn it off and eliminate it.


4. Serve the mushroom meatballs with sauce and correlative fixings


It's an ideal opportunity to organize every one of the parts of the mushroom meatballs into a serving bowl. Spot the suun noodles on the base, at that point add the mushroom meatballs with the cleaved green onions.


From that point forward, flush the meatballs with warm stock. At that point, sprinkle the seared onions on top. Indeed, this total mushroom meatball can be delighted in. Add stew sauce, pureed tomatoes and soy sauce, to make it significantly more flavorful.


How, truly simple, correct? Promised you and your family can eat however much you need. Best of luck!

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